One Tree Community Services Inc. (One Tree) works with people and communities to transform challenges into possibilities. We are a national, not-for-profit organisation with more than 50 years’ experience and 1,200 staff from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds.
With offices located in Perth, Melbourne, Darwin, Broome and Kununurra, we offer 92 services across three core areas: children’s services, community services and our Registered Training Organisation (RTO). We have a quiet reputation for delivering high quality services, with expertise working with remote and rural communities.
Children’s Services
We offer Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), including long day care, out of school hours care (OSHC), kindergartens and the One Tree Defence Childcare Unit (OTDCU). We are an approved and authorised Early Years Management (EYM) organisation operating stand alone three and four year old kindergarten programs.
Nationally, we support 4,535 children and 3,896 families. In total, we offer 71 children’s services:
- 20 long day cares
- 7 OSHC
- 22 kindergartens
- 22 OTDCU services
Community Services
At One Tree, we support communities with safe houses, parenting programs, industry support, cultural safety and support, trauma support, counselling, youth accommodation, inclusion support and child and parent centres.
Almost 5,000 children and families are supported by our community services and programs across Australia. This includes external services that we provide support to through initiatives such as the Regional Early Years Learn and Lead (REYLL) program.
Registered Training Organisation
We are a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) offering free traineeships to our staff. Our RTO delivers courses in ECEC and Community Services. We also offer school-based traineeships in Western Australia and the Northern Territory, working in partnerships with local high schools and service providers.
Across Australia, we have 13 trainers working with 111 ECEC services and 9 schools.
We have established EduTribe, an online community of 23,000 ECEC professionals across Australia. EduTribe is an opportunity for educators to connect, learn and find job opportunities, with free resources and templates available to its members. Since 2020, EduTribe has provided FIFO relief staff to services all over Australia.
Map of our services
Click to expand.
“Working with individuals, families and communities for us is about valuing history, culture and the environment and listening to, and becoming part of the stories that define them.”
Karri Hillier, CEO
We believe that working with communities rather than in communities is essential for achieving the best possible outcomes.
Our spirit of working together, meeting the challenge and being determined to lead inspires everything we do. Creating a sense of belonging—for our staff, and the children, families and communities we work with is important to us.
This is what makes us “the place to be”.