One Tree Community Services value and respect the knowledge and heritage of Australia’s First Nations People. Our vision is to continue our journey working in collaboration with and walking alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, identifying them as our teachers and drawing on their strengths and knowledge.
One Tree’s vision is for the wisdom of Elders past and present to continue to be harnessed for good and for the history, language and culture of our Indigenous employees, stakeholders and clients to be recognised, celebrated and honoured. One Tree looks to nurture the growth and skills of emerging Indigenous leaders from early childhood through to adulthood. We believe in fostering a sense of belonging and deep connection with community and country. From our experience of working in some of Australia’s most remote regions, we have witnessed first-hand the healing power of strong, supportive communities. We believe in a both ways approach, working in partnership and recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as our teachers and experts on Indigenous culture, land, history, heritage and traditions.
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