Welcome to One Tree children’s service enrolment page.
One Tree Childcare Services app
To book or enrol in the following services Altona Meadows, Altona North, Bernice Mcleod, Bulgarra, c-Verse Brentwood, c-Verse Lithgow, c-Verse Palmyra, c-Verse Mundijong, c-Verse Perth Individual, Derby, Gurlu Gurlu Maya, Kalkarindji, Kambalda, Len Taplin, Millars Well, Pannawonica, Paraburdoo, Wadeye, Wickham, Woothoo-woothoong thoon Ninggoowoong Dawang or Yera, please use the above app.
Please note: You will need to use a desk-top or laptop computer to enrol. Once you have done this you may then use mobile for future casual bookings.
For any queries regarding the above services please ring the enrolments team on
1800 919 995
during office hours (Monday to Friday 8am until 4:30pm).
One Tree Defence Childcare Services app
To book or enrol in the following services Cerberus, Coral Sea, Coventry, East Sale, Enoggera, Flying Start, Kangaroo Cottage, Kids Brigade, Kids Crew, Little Diggers, Little Eagles, Little Geckos, Puckapunyal CC, Puckapunyal OSHC, Russell Hill, The Blue House, Tingira the Sunny Child or Williams, please use the above app.
Please note: You will need to use a desk-top or laptop computer to enrol. Once you have done this you may then use mobile for future casual bookings.
For any queries regarding the above services, please ring the enrolments team on
1800 270 640
during office hours (Monday to Friday 8am until 4:30pm).
New families are encouraged to enrol online using the My Family Lounge (MFL) service.
You can enrol online on your desktop computer using the three simple steps below. If you wish to use another device, such as a mobile or tablet, you can download the MFL app (found at the bottom of this page).
Permanent enrolments and bookings
Please note: You will need to use a desk-top or laptop computer to enrol. Once you have done this you may then use mobile for future casual bookings.
Step 1 Click on the REGISTER button (top of the page). You will be taken through a registration process to create your MFL account. Step 2 Log into your MFL account and:
- fill in the enrolment form; and
- the booking request form.
Step 3 When a place is available you will:
- receive an email or text offering you a place;
- be asked to go to the MFL and accept the offer within 24 hours.
- The enrolments team will contact you by email to finalise your booking and enrolment.
Please note: Your booking is only confirmed once a member of the enrolment team has contacted you.
Casual enrolments and bookings
Step 1 Click on the REGISTER button (top of the page). You will be taken through a registration process to create your MFL account. Step 2 Log into your MFL account and fill in the enrolment form. Step 3 Call 1800 919 995 to make your first booking.
More information
For more information about My Family Lounge online enrolments, please speak to your service director.
The MFL app for downloading onto your mobile or tablet:
Get the app from the App store
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia, there are lots of parents working from home who need support with their children.
At the same time, many professional educators are temporary out of work.
We are glad to tell you about a possible solution to this problem – EduTribe offers a FREE service connecting educators and parents working in essential services or from home.
This is to assist families with their children while they are working at home (or doing frontline work) and for educators to find work.